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Affordable Rates

Tuition Rates 2025/2026
 AVAS is able to offer competitive rates due to the financial backing of our constituent churches within the local region. Because of their commitment, we are able to keep our tuition rates lower than most private Christian schools in the Antelope Valley.

Constituent (Seventh-Day Adventist) Rates & Plans

K–4th Grades:

11-month (Aug. - Jun.)


5th–8th Grades:

11-month (Aug. - Jun)


K–4th Grades:

12-month (Jul. - Jun.)


5th–8th Grades:

12-month (Jul. - Jun.)


K–4th Grades:

Semester (5% Discount)


5th–8th Grades:

Semester (5% Discount)


K–4th Grades:

Full Year (8% Discount)


5th–8th Grades:

Full Year (8% Discount)


Non- Constituent (Community) Rates & Plans

K–4th Grades:

11-month (Jul. - Jun)


5th–8th Grades:

11-month (Aug. - Jun)


K–4th Grades:

12-month (Jul. - Jun)


  5th–8th Grades:

12-month (Jul. - Jun)


K–4th Grades:

Semester (5% Disc.)


5th–8th Grades:

Semester (5% Disc.)


K–4th Grades:

Full Year (8% Discount)


5th–8th Grades:

Full Year (8% Discount)


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